Exposing the truth about the newest resident to enter the race for the Big First, Tracey Mann of Kansas City.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Last Thursday I detailed here on the Tracey Mann Truth File how Tracey Mann is just an utter failure in life. Well, here it goes again, another week another failure.

The TRACEY MANN campaign continues to have serious problems with Facebook. Three weeks ago The Tracey Mann Truth File exposed how Tracey's hick/kind of redneck campaign manager, Jake DeVantier from Alabama (or something like that) announced to the entire world via Facebook that he was looking for "Random Play," causing many a father to put a leash on their daughters in the Salina area (except for those who escaped and made it to the Wild Wild West cafe there in Salina). 

Then two weeks ago TRACEY MANN announced to the entire world that he was actually IN Salina! Holy jeewizzerdoodles! I've been on Facebook for many a year and I don't know many people that actually announce that they are currently visiting where they live. That's like Rob Wasinger, our other favorite carpetbagger in the race, announcing to everyone on Facebook that he is in Burke, Virginia. 

What an idiot (or incompetent campaign staff).

Well, Here is the latest. On February 15, TRACEY MANN posted on Facebook:

So.... about a week went by and it was pretty clear that Tracey Mann's fans really didn't feel like taking the time to click a few buttons. So.... the campaign lowered expectations (great move~!) and posted this past Saturday:

Well today is Monday so let's take a look how everything worked out for Tracey Mann:

558 fans.... Congratulations, TRACEY MANN and campaign staff! You got a 55.8%, which if I remember correctly from my school days (a bit hazy from the keggers I attended with those plastic men) that would be an F!

AND WHAT DOES F STAND FOR? Hmmmm.. I will pick the PG version.






  1. you suck karen! ewwww

  2. Why would Tracey pick a campaign manager from out of state who is interested in "random play?" That isn't very Kansan. Tracey is just a carpet-baggin' liberal who gave money to a pro-abort when he lived in Kansas City. He'll never make it out west.

  3. your an idiot, karen, we know now that you are against wasinger and mann so who are you for? maybe you should blog FOR them?

  4. Shouldn't you worry about ideology? Wasinger is definitely a conservative and I am not sure about Mann. You must be for Huelskamp if you cannot attack them on the issues.

  5. Huelskamp - went to college out of the district; Barnett - went to college outside of the district; Wasinger - went to college outside of the district

  6. Maybe if we had better state senators out west our kids would not have to move away to find a good job. What have they done to create jobs?
