Exposing the truth about the newest resident to enter the race for the Big First, Tracey Mann of Kansas City.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


BREAKING: Our sister blog, KANSAS DIRT DIVER, will post a groundbreaking video that confirms the carpetbagging claims made here at the TRACEY TRUTH FILE .... More to come later ....


  1. You're such an amateur Karen. If you want to sling mud on a candidate, do your research instead of focusing on a carpetbagger accusation that has absolutely no merit. You won't be able to convince a single voter that Tracey Mann isn't from the first district.

  2. Ms. SanderStupidville, GET A LIFE. You are worried about beds and utility bills all the while destroying our best chance to elect a Republican to Congress. Continue to tear him down, pop open a can of Milwaukee's Best Light, adorn yourself a plastic tiara from The Dollar Tree Store, and bask in your victory of dumbassness. Obama will be cheering you on. You go girl.

  3. Jeff- explain to me how tracey is not a carpetbagger. He was living in Kansas City which is NOT western Kansas. And then when he decided to run for Congress he "moved" to Salina and claimed he had some fancy dancy new title with the real estate company he worked for saying he was now in charge of Salina. Well, apparently he is lying or is not doing a very good job because he has yet to produce a single listing in Salina yet continues to sell property in Kansas City.

    And I bet you he is selling property to people leaving western Kansas! How does that help our economy??????????

    Jefferson Davis, are you dropping acid? Democrats will never win the seat the Democrat can't keep his pants on and even makes Tracey's campaign manager blush!

  4. Jesus loves you Tim!
