Exposing the truth about the newest resident to enter the race for the Big First, Tracey Mann of Kansas City.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


In an expensive, color inked fundraising appeal on letterhead dated December 2, 2009 in about 10 point Times New Roman font Tracey Mann wrote:
"Friends, what we are doing to ourselves is bad enough."
Ok that's weird.

But anyway, he also wrote:
"I need to raise $100,000 in the next 30 days. That's $3,300 a day! I could really use the help right now.... The final report of the year concluding December 31 is a giant signal of the strength of our campaign."

Well, Tracey Mann did a complete belly flop. A quick look at Tracey Mann's FEC report shows that Tracey Mann only raised $71,000 for the ENTIRE quarter! So he told his supporters he needed to raise $100,000 in 30 days... but only ended up raising $71,000 over 3 months! Well That's embarassing! 

Wow Tracey Mann really sucks at being a businessman! Or he is getting bad advice. Anyone in politics knows you should downplay expectations, especially fundraising expectations. You don't set goals unless you are going to meet them. I guess not reaching goals and not meeting expectations is just the story of Tracey's life.

Tracey Mann was an intern/crappy coffee maker for Jerry Moran, never got any higher. FAIL.

He convinced Zimmer Real Estate he could open up a Salina division and bring in the dough. He has yet to list a single property in Salina. FAIL.

He probably told his parents when he got married that one day they would be grandparents. FAIL.



  1. Very classy Huelskamp.

  2. Gove County ResidentFebruary 19, 2010 at 7:01 AM

    FYI- They are grandparents. Just how low will you go in attacking Tracey?

  3. The real question is how low will TRACEY MANN go to win the nomination? Will he continue to lie and tell people he sells real estate in Salina? Please show me a listing if something has changed Mr. Mrs. or Ms. Gove County Resident.

  4. Gove County ResidentFebruary 20, 2010 at 8:08 AM

    Just answer this question for yourself. Did he meet qualifications to run? If he did, your whole diatribe is garbage. It's one thing to be irritated about him moving into the district if that's really what upsets you. It's quite another to attack him personally which is about all you've done.
    It would be interesting to know which candidate you're really working for. That would tell me lots about the character of your candidate. Maybe he's no better than the image you're trying to portray of Tracey Mann.

  5. Say what you want to say, but leave any hits about having children out. That's crossing a line.
