Exposing the truth about the newest resident to enter the race for the Big First, Tracey Mann of Kansas City.

Monday, February 8, 2010


You heard it first here! 8 days ago, the TRACEY TRUTH FILE exposed the X-rated desires of Tracey Mann campaign manager Jake DeVantier, who, like Tracey Mann, just moved to Salina. Jake listed that he was interested in "random play" a.k.a. loose women. Now, he's only interested in women, which I suppose means that he is down with loose women or prudes. Way to expand your options, Jake! I am sure your preference change was completely random and had nothing to do with your fame on the TRACEY TRUTH FILE.


  1. I am disgusted with Republican party politics. Ms. Sanderville, would you please drag yourself out of the gutter and refocus. Rome is burning and you are attacking a staffer of a candidate. The Titanic is sinking and you are rearranging chairs on the Veranda deck. I might just vote for a Democrat if this crap doesn't stop. We suffered greatly under this kind of name calling and slander and infighting in '96 and in '08 presidential elections. Be nice. Graduate from kindergarten. Don't know this kid, but leave him alone. Focus on merits of candidate only. Grow up.

  2. Yah don't pick on him. The kid isn't even from Kansas... just like Tracey Mann isn't from Salina. Would ya just leave him alone already? He will be going back to the south in just a few short months... (but in the meantime, lock your daughters up and hide them from this kid).

  3. Gove County ResidentFebruary 9, 2010 at 1:24 PM

    Tracey Mann grew up in Gove County in Western Kansas. I know this because I live here. The Mann family lives about a mile from my home.
    Karen you need to check your facts. His hometown is Quinter. I can prove that. There is no way you can prove his hometown is KC.
    How much other stuff you've posted is untrue?

  4. I know what let's do. How about "Gove County resident" shows us some real estate listings of Tracey's in Salina, where he claims he does real estate?

  5. Karen Sanderville is a lunatic.
