Friday, March 5, 2010


I stopped reading the Hutchinson News a long time ago (I'm not alone) because it just oozes with liberalism and instead use it as backup toilet paper.

However, this morning I was urged by several loyal readers of the TRACEY TRUTH FILE to check out an article today featuring.... ME!

As usual, Mary Clarkin writes a sob story of how *oh so sad* it is that poor little Tracey Mann is put under such scrutiny for running for the United States Congress.

And of course, none of the concerns we've addressed here on the TRACEY TRUTH FILE were asked. Just another stupid "politics is soooooo nasty" story. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!

Here are the questions Tracey Mann should have been asked by the Hutchinson News:
  1. Tracey, why are you telling people you sell real estate in Salina despite the fact that all your real estate listings are in Kansas City?
  2. Why do you still own a home in Kansas City? 
  3. How many days a week do you spend in Kansas City?
  4. Why are you accepting money and support from a group that advocates executing gay people in Uganda, and was behind the cover-up of Senator Ensign's affair? I don't like gay people either, but executing them? Seriously?
The Hutchinson News didn't ask any of these questions. Instead they just speculated and speculated what opposing campaign I work for. I'll tell you. I work for the campaign for liberty. I work for the campaign against RINOs. I work for the campaign for an informed constituency. I work for the campaign against carpetbaggers and elitist opportunists. I work for the party of Goldwater and Reagan, the party of conservatism. I am the real fact checker in Kansas, not you, Hutchinson News.


  1. Tim Huelskamp, you should really stop your whining and pouting and grow up. You should be ashamed of yourself for acting this way and wasting Kansas tax payer's money by creating this whole blog while your "respresenting" your district in Topeka.

  2. People like you are the worst kind of trash. Even your soul is garbage. Picking on a man's wife for having miscarriages? Tell me, did your mommy and daddy raise you to be such an awful person? Parenting FAIL.

  3. Whoever is behind this blog, Barnett or Huelskamp, you are such pieces of garbage and it's disgusting. I hope that you never get elected to anything again.

  4. Topeka has made both Huelskamp and Barnett power-hungry to the point that they will say and do anything to get elected to Congress. Imagine what will happen if we send one of these guys to Washington. I don't know who I will be voting for but it won't be Barnett or Huelskamp.


  6. Maybe Alan Jilka is behind this blog - trying to create disunity among the Republicans in KS-01?

  7. nah this thing has Tim Huelskamp written all over it, just like his attack blog

  8. Why would anyone spend so much time on Tracey Mann? Who perceives him as a threat? I don't know the answers to these questions, but if I were Huelskamp I'd spend more time eroding Wasinger's base while planning a strategy to catch up with Barnett. And if I were Barnett I'd spend more time being the frontrunner, above the fray, shoring up my own soft numbers. Someone with 26% can win this thing.

    So, who thinks Tracey Mann's 4% is worth the effort? And couldn't the information being displayed here find it's way into the media and blogosphere legitimately? The rhetoric surrounding the substantive attack here makes the substance weaker if you ask me.

    So, is RightwithKansas really an attack blog? It's kind of benign and appears to be written by someone who is ill-informed regarding conservatism. Huelskamp would do better to find someone attuned to Kansas politics if he is, indeed, behind it. But I'm not convinced. I would guess it's out of the Wichita area, but that's a guess based on limited reading.

  9. ALL of Huelskamp's bloggers are from outside the district. It is rather pathetic how much time he is spending attacking on the blogs, I guess that's the only thing he can find to do in Topeka, which, of course, is outside the district. He must be feeling desperate after that poll and wants to tear down everyone below him to get their support to be more competitive with the frontrunner, Barnett.

  10. Barnett seems to be missing from the Senate floor lately. I guess we have an angry negative politician, and an absent politician...great

  11. Jesus loves you Tim!

  12. That's probably the only love that he is getting.
